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Password Reset Details & Sites

(This page was last updated on the 24/01/2023)

Some sites have a Password Reset facility, which can be searched by account name, email address and mobile number, which may provide some additional account information if checked but;

   obviously you must NOT try to reset the password of any account which is not your own, as that could be unlawful


   obviously you can't be logged into an account for the site when you try this

Some sites, such as Instagram, will automatically send the account holder an email to reset their password straight away if you try this, which is why we haven't included Instagram in the following links, however if you are not confident using these techniques then try them out on your own accounts to see what the results are, or just don't use them. password recovery password recovery

When searching an email address or mobile number on some password reset sites they may display the linked account name and profile image.

When searching an account name on some password reset sites they may display the redacted / obfuscated email address linked to the account.

On sites like Twitter and Ebay each * displayed in the redacted email address relates to a single character, so you can usually work out that @g****.*** is likely to be or @o******.*** is likely to be, whilst the screenname section can sometimes be guessed and then searched for on sites such as Epieos & Identifactor to discover if they are valid and linked to this or any other online account etc.