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Search Tasks 1 - Advanced Searching Techniques

(This page was last updated on the 29/12/2023)

Without making any direct contact with any individuals identified during this exercise, complete the following tasks, using the Advanced Searching Techniques demonstrated and the Advanced Search page on Google and any of the useful links on the Search Engines page of our website at

You should spend at least a few minutes on each task but if you are struggling ask for assistance or move on to the next task.

1. Using Google search for yourself by your normal name and then search again adding the name of the town or city you live in and see how many results you get. Now redo this search, using Google search for yourself by your normal name as a phrase, as demonstrated during the training and then again adding the name of the town or city you live in and see how many results you get, comparing it to your previous search.

2. Now try this again but use the name of a family member or a close friend.

3. Now using the advanced search techniques demonstrated during the training, search for any content linked to your address.

4. Now using the advanced search techniques demonstrated during the training and listed on the Searching Phone Numbers page of our website, search your landline or mobile phone number, adjusting the spacing and changing the number from national to internationalised, to see if you can locate any information online linked to yourself or your address.

5. Using the Google Advanced Search page, search just within to identify any individuals who have been linked to your current or previous employers, or who have worked at the venue where the training is being held.

6. Now search using the Google Advanced Search page, search just within to identify any individuals linked to both Wessex Water and Somerset County Council.

7. Next identify the company website for Wessex Water and then using the Google Advanced Search page, search just within that website, looking for any content where the phrase Official Sensitive is used.

8. Now using the Google Advanced Search page, search just with the company website for Wessex Water, search just for any pdf files, then filter that search further to search just with the company website for any pdf files, then filter this further to just those which contain either of the words sensitive or secret.

9. Now on a fresh search, search for articles on the chef Tom Kerridge, then filter this search, looking for articles from websites updated just within the last year. Now filter this search further by looking for articles from websites updated just within the last 7 weeks and then check-out some of the results by their cached pages.

10. Now search for images of the chef Tom Kerridge, then filter this search, looking just for full colour photo images. Then filter this search further, looking just for these images from within the Facebook website.